Author Archives: Rob Barlow

Why Recycle: Part I: The Dangers and Consequences of Plastic Waste

Each year millions of tonnes of plastic waste ends up in our oceans, damaging ecosystems, destroying marine life and entering the food chain. Watching the news and documentaries, and reading about plastic pollution in the press, is highlighting this issue but TDP owners, Rob and Anne, wanted to witness the problems first hand. In 2021… Read More?

The one thing NOBODY wants for Christmas

Look, we get it. When you’re asking your loved ones what they want for Christmas, or even sorting your own list, you’ll either get vague answers like “I’m not really bothered”, “Check my Amazon wishlist” or something outlandish like “Oooh shall we go and see the Northern Lights?” or “Let’s spend Christmas in New York… Read More?

We welcome Leah our 18-year-old apprentice as the newest recruit

Leah outside

Former Anthony Gell School student Leah Barratt, 18, of Crich, is studying for a business administration apprenticeship with us. Leah said she was loving being part of a busy working environment. “I’m more of a hands-on learner,” she said. “I wanted to be involved in a business setting. I liked the fact TDP’s furniture was… Read More?

We honour our ‘green pledge’ with new hedgehog houses in time for hibernation season

We have launched a new hedgehog house to help protect these endangered creatures in time for hibernation season. We have created this new hedgehog house after our founder Rob Barlow made a ‘green pledge’ at a young person’s environmental meeting in 2022. Rob was speaking at the Midlands Engine Young People’s Green Growth Assembly in… Read More?

Derbyshire organisations helping give people a well-deserved sit-down with new eco benches

Staff enjoying their break at TDP's Eight seater Bradborne picnic tables at Garnalex in Derbyshire

Members of the public and company employees are having a wellbeing boost with new eco benches and picnic tables. Darley Dale Town Council and Garnalex Aluminium Company of Heage are two of the latest organisations to invest in public and employee wellbeing by buying outdoor seating from TDP Darley Dale Town Council has now bought… Read More?