Our major sustainability gains in 2021

What we saved in 2021

A year in numbers

Working day to day with recycled plastic we are very aware of how much sustainability means to us and our customers. By analysing our figures from using recycled plastic waste we realise how much difference we and you, our customers, make each year to the planet and wow what a success you have been part of.

We work with many organisations including suppliers, universities, climate action programmes and circular economy organisations in the UK, Europe and worldwide in compiling these figures.

By sharing these numbers with you we want to say a big thank you for helping us achieve record growth and contributing to the effort in tackling climate change.

In 2021 we used 350 tonnes of plastic waste to make your furniture

This saved:

  • 2,100,000 tonnes C02 being released into the atmosphere
  • 2,020,900 KWh of electricity
  • 200,000 gallons of oil being used
  • 8,029 cubic metres of plastic waste going to landfill, or our rivers and oceans.
  • That’s 245 container loads.
  • 199,150,000 bottle tops or 35,350,000 Plastic bottles
  • Using recycled waste takes 88% less energy than making plastic from raw materials.

Climate change, net carbon zero and sustainability have been amongst the main media topics this year and for good reason. We have been providing environmentally friendly products for over 30 years and it is very exciting to see some of the major shifts in attitude from governments worldwide, business of all sizes and consumers.

As we all embark on this important journey for the future of the planet, we will share our goals, passion and successes along the way.


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