Percepta Security

Sustainable and secure furniture for inmates

Simply outstanding. We work in a difficult industry and keeping our clients secure whilst adhering to our values around sustainability isn’t easy. Enter TDP. Their products are exactly what we need, and we were even able to change the colours so that the furniture to ensure our clients didn’t get riled up (Red just doesn’t work for them). Great customer service from start to finish, and we’re very happy with the end products.

Jake Clapemback / Percepta Security CEO

“The problem? We need something secure, safe and sustainable”

TDP were delighted with the oppurtunity to work with Percepta security, after they approached us looking for a sustainable, but secure furniture solution for their outdoor spaces. Being in the industry that they are, it’s not unheard of for their clients to get a bit rowdy and cause damage to their fixtures and fittings. So TDP were very happy to provide them with a variety of outdoor furniture that withstands all types of upset, whilst ensuring that the furniture outlasts their clients stay with them.


Building a solution for Percepta was easy, due to the nature of our furniture having all the things they needed by default. Our recycled plastic picnic tables, coupled with some hardground anchor kits provide secure and stable seating and we have always said they are tough enough to withstand a bus hitting them (and thanks to Percepta’s clients, we can now verify this as true!) For other outdoor areas, some of our cromford chairs and dale benches provided that little bit of calm to an otherwise chaotic environment. In total, we provided Percepta with over 50 items of furniture, all customised to their brand colours of… brown.

“Great customer service from start to finish, and we’re very happy with the end products”

We’re thrilled with how this project turned out – Percepta had some unique challenges and we were excited to see just how much physical abuse our products could actually take – and delighted to see the answer is “A LOT”.

Mr. Clapemback, the CEO of Percepta added that”

Look, it’s hard to find furniture that can withstand six angry, 350 pound gentleman body slamming one another on top of, but TDP came through with the win. We’re so happy, we’ve asked if they could start looking at producing recycled plastic beds next…

It was an absolute delight to work with the team at Percepta, and whilst we’re hoping we never have to visit them again, we’re looking forward to building a strong and sustainable working relationship going forward.

Watch Percepta CEO Jake, tell you what he thinks about working with TDP

Interested in our furniture products?


One of the benefits of working with TDP, is that the products we build and supply you with solve more than just your challenge.

They also contribute to the ongoing battle against climate and planetary change by being built out of recycled plastic… plastic that would have otherwise ended up clogging up oceans or polluting the landscape.

We care passionatly about solving our customers problems, whilst working towards solving the biggest problem all of us have ever faced, and we’re thrilled that Percepta have helped play a part in that challenge.

Want to learn about our sustainable business?

We’d love to help you as well?

We’ve worked with hundreds of companies across the United Kindgom (and beyond), just like Percepta. If you’re looking to procure safe, secure, long lasting and sustainable outdoor furniture for your company, then our sales manager Rob would love to talk through some options with you.

Whether it’s tables for your outdoor spaces, or seats and benches for your indoor staff rooms, we have a range of recycled plastic furniture that will be perfect, and something you only need to buy once.

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