Repurposing waste and creating jobs

Getting a kick out of repurposing old stuff, whether you’ve turned old shirts into cleaning cloths, or an empty bottle into a vase or light, the feeling is the same when taking over 3,200 plus tonnes of plastic waste so far and turning it into outdoor furniture.

Our top five impacts of our recycling are:

Prevents plastic waste going into landfill or the oceans.

Reduces consumption of raw materials

Reduces power consumption & pollution

Helps the UK towards becoming carbon neutral

Creates jobs

We are proof of all the above goals and achievements that we aspire to, but one of the most satisfying recent impacts is our increase in staff. In the last 12 months we have added 2 new full time staff members to our production team, one new customer service team member and are now advertising for an apprentice to join the production team.

What better way of listening to the younger generation, who are very vocal and committed to our environment and their future, than letting them get involved in direct action by being part of our team and growing with us, whilst helping to improve their own and the planet’s future.

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